
I originally wanted to be a lawyer. But after graduating from New York University with a Bachelor degree in Political Science and Middle Eastern Studies, I couldn’t imagine being stuck in an office rest of my life. Soul searching took very short time, shorter than I expected.

Cooking has always been in my blood. An inspiration was my maternal grandfather and my first memory of him was in his kitchen, watching him cooking while singing along to classical Turkish music on the radio. The smells and sounds of cooking coming from the kitchen have a special place in my memory of him. What stood out the most was the feast served after all that labour, and the contentment and satisfaction shining on my grandfather’s face after all that effort.

For me cooking has always been about sharing with others and seeking the satisfied faces of guests who experience pleasure from the fruits of your hard labour. It has to be created with love, respect and care.

After NYU, I studied at the International Culinary Institute in New York City. My training was classical French and my internships were at top French restaurants such as Jojo’s. Later, however, I wanted to experience a different cuisine and I worked at the New York based EN Japanese Brasserie. For four years I learned a unique kitchen culture, with different knife techniques and dishes. With my Turkish heritage, French education and Japanese experience, I feel open to cook any cuisine.

At the time we moved to London from NYC, my family’s wine making estate in Turkey produced its first output. This was my chance to learn wine production and I felt it important to train at a great school in London – the Wine and Spirit Trust. I received my certificates and attended two diploma courses, while at the same time travelling to Turkey every month to be across the whole production cycle from vine to bottle. Six years in winemaking followed, after which I gave birth to our first then second child. Now, back to a professional kitchen with a wine degree on the side, I am thrilled to be cooking again.